It is always interesting to go back to a place that you spent so much time and energy at. I know when I was in school it did not seem like there was really a world beyond it. Now when I go back to visit it is amazing how much things change. It is still the same school, but so much has grown up around it. Pullman has grown so much larger than when I went to school there, and Moscow is the same... I mean growing in leaps and bounds!
The view of WSU from Bishop Blvd. coming into Pullman, WA. I got to do the rounds on campus, up stadium way, a Martin Stadium driveby...
The stadium has grown a lot also, I do not remember all the gates up next to the road like that. Still looks like it could get pretty cold and windy with no cover!
The next stop and the most important of all was Ferdinands Creamery and Ice Cream!! Ashlee got a cone and the rest of us got milk shakes. Wow were they SO good. I forgot how great their ice cream is! We also got a bag of the famous Cougar Gold cheese! Yum yum!
Off to Moscow ID now. The seven miles between the two University's sure has changed alot! There used to be just open farm land all the way along that road, and it was a two land road back when I went to school there... now it is four! wow! There is even a big Toyota dealership out there! what? This is a shot of the business building, where Eric went to a lot of classes! Sure is a neat brick building!
This is a shot of the music building! I liked the way it looks!

The countryside is sure pretty here!
We came on Dad's weekend! There were sure a lot of Alumni there, guess that is why? I was even asked if we were going to the game. No, we are just buying some souvenirs!
Go Cougs!!