I got this baker's rack from my sister-in-law about 5 years ago when we moved into our new house here in Oregon City. I have been trying to figure out what to do with it for that long. I finally came up with a winning idea and went out to Wal-Mart and home depot to get supplies. I found some ideas on my fellow blog sites on house to paint and distress wood furniture. I decided that I wanted the base color to be a antique blue with the under coat of white, and hope it turns out.

I have all the coats on now, need to run and get one more can of blue paint to finish coating all the pieces with blue. then I will start sanding and distressing. More to come tomorrow... or at least when I get a little closer to being finished.
So as usual when I do a home project I get to the point where I just cannot wait any longer and have to try to rush things. That is what I did this morning. I put the finishing coat of blue paint on my shelves, I wanted to try to distress the drawers fronts a little just to see how or if the white was actually going to show through.
Of course the green that I had tried to cover up shows through, but I actually kind of like the look, so instead of completely starting over I try to darken the green a little by using some dark wood stain, kind of antiqueing the whole project..
here are some shots of that .... not sure if I am going to stay with it or not.
It is starting to look pretty good. I decided the green did not look that bad and went with the new look!
Daisy kept thinking that she needed to help me move this thing, HA-HA not so helpful girl.
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