I have done small things like request the free green kit from PGE. It had the new light bulbs, flow restrictors for the kitchen sink and also a new shower head. We installed all that and changed out all of our light bulbs, or at least 90% of them.
We upgraded to a high efficiency heat pump with programable thermostat. We updated our water heater to a newer gas heater.. we cleaned out our vents and checked the performance of our heating.. and now we are looking at upgrading our windows.
The windows are a LARGE investment but I think we will really like the new look and also the peace of mind of how well they will stand up. I cannot wait to get them. We get a new heavier duty slider to the back yard and a new window installed in our bedroom to add that much more natural light to our room. Yeah! Plus all the bedrooms will have windows that seal and hold in the heat and shut out the cold! yeah.... Cannot wait to show how they look in about 4-8 weeks!
There still are a lot more things that we can do to be more Green, like updating some of our appliances. But that is for another year! Ha... will update with more when it is HERE!
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