The kids at Aunt Lisa's house. Our trip to Seattle went pretty well. It sure was a site to see all of us crammed into the car. The four of us, our stuff, including a space heater for the little guy, and big dog crate and our dog. It was so packed that Daisy had to get in the crate and finish packing stuff in around her. All in all it was good, we did not have too much trouble with kids sleeping or eating. Sawyer still is stubborn about trying new foods, does not want a thing to do with it! Ashlee loves spending time with Lisa. Hope to be able to go there again this summer.

Look at the camera??!!! Please?!

Check out the animals and fun to be had at the Woodland Park Zoo. We were able to go visit this zoo for no cost, there are great perks to having a Oregon Zoo membership!

Giraffe was trying to get out of the picture... stand still ... would ya?!

We got everything but Sawyer's coat. Had to get this cute little sweatshirt at the zoo, so little man could stay warm in all this drizzle. The zoo was a great trip. We got to see a lot of it before there were a lot of tired looks and or any meltdowns. Lunch was a neat burger stand in the University district, Kid Valley. Yummy milkshakes!
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