May 1st was Ashlee's 4th Birthday. We had lots of family and fun the whole weekend.
I still cannot believe how fast they grow, one day she is a tiny little newborn in my arms needing everything done for her, then without notice BOOM, she is 4 and very independent.
I know, I know everyone says that, but it is SO true.
There are so many things that I hear parents say and I think oh I am not going to be that way, not going to think that way, but yes here I am doing just that. I think that my girl is the cutest and the smartest of all, so ahead of everyone else. Look she can sing the alphabet, recognize it front and back, big or small and she can write it too. Now she can write her name, my name, dad, dog and lots of other things. She is so smart. I beleive tht is due to both her parents and pretty smart and she is like a little sponge wanting to learn whatever they can. Part of me wants her to be this independent little girl and learn, learn, and then other part of me wants her to stop growing up so fast and just stay my little girl, that needs me.
This year was a great party, and even a great surprise. The day before her party my sister-in-law Carol and a good friend Thereasa showed up at the house with gifts and to visit for a couple of hours! It was so great to see them. Ashlee loves the Dora microphone that she got. (yes, Thanks Carol that is nice and loud!)
Then for her party there were Aunts and Grandmas on both sides and we had a great time opening gifts and visiting. My Aunt Marlene and Margaret and my two cousins Molly and Vanessa seem to always enjoy our little visits, last year we went to the Rose Gardens and this year we went out to dinner at the Stillhouse pub, wow the Scottish food was great and so was the company!
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