Sisters, why they are so important but yet so hard to have!??
I love my sister Emily, like no one else, but we can fight more than anyone else, why? who knows?! We are so close in age, 13 months apart, we can be best of friends and then in a second can be the worst of enemies. But no matter what we are family and there is something about that, it cannot be taken away. It is important to me to have my family, my sister, I do not know what I would do without her
I remember our first taste of horse back riding, we were riding the neighbors horse "Codi" I could not wait to go again and well lets just say Em was not as thrilled to go. Then the day came that a pony was living in the pasture behind our house. I think I remember the pony's name to be Cricket. I was about 6 and Emily was 5. I figured out a way to make a bridle out of twine, I showed it to Emily and tried to sell her that with this bridle we could ride the pony and have a great time. We set out to try it out, put it on, got on the pony and she ran us straight for the first tree branch she could find to knock us off her back. That was it for Emily she wanted no more to do with it. Me, I just started scheming a new way to use that bridle to stop her before she could knock me off on that tree branch again. From then on all I wanted was a horse. I am not sure exactly how Emily felt about having a horse but at least for the time being she wanted one of her own also.
Our first horse was Lady, a morgan quater horse. I can still remember the morning that we got her. I woke up looked out the bedroom window and saw this horse outside tied to a post. Dad says, yes "she is for you" you very own horse! We did not have a pasture for her yet so she was tethered around a grain bin that was on the lot by the house. All I wanted to do was ride and play and brush her and then ride her some more. Emily did not really like riding Lady at first for she was pretty tall compared to that pony Cricket that we used to ride in the pasture, so before we knew it Dad got Emily a shetland pony named Cinnamon. From then on we were like peas and carrotts riding our horses all the time. I could not find enough hours in the day to ride. I am not so sure that Emily felt the same passion for riding as I did. It soon wore thin on her and she did not want to ride as often. That is how it goes too, for she was a naturally good rider and it took absolutely no effort for her to look good. On the otherhand I had to work at it. It did not come natural for me and OH how I so wanted it to be that way. I was so jealous of how Emily could look so good and ride to effortlessly.

The thrill of the butterflies in my stomach, the unknown, was I going to qualify in the money? or would I miss out?
Your sweet Ann. Funny I don't remember the bridle made out of twine or the tree. I must of blocked it out of my memory hahaha. I just remember when I got cinnamon. How her poor hooves needed trimmed so badly when we got her. I think I even rode in the trailer home with her. I was so excited. Then we were riding once in Diamond and my saddle must of been super loose because somehow I slide down her neck when she stopped to eat. Who knows maybe it was just a pad or something. I still love horses and loved to race I just didn't like being pushed into it. Plus believe it or not I am not as brave as you getting on horses I don't know. I trusted Cinnamon and Wanda the others ......that is a little iffy. I miss Wanda now may she rest in peace. She was the best horse ever!!!!