I love to go camping. I am not sure why or how this came to be? I do not remember camping a whole lot when I was little with my family. I remember a couple of specific times with my mom, myrtle creek and lake couerd'alene but nothing too special. Oh and the one time I remember camping with my dad was more like this elaborate hunting trip to Dixie Idaho. We stayed in a log cabin and froze in the morning until someone was able to get a fire built.

It is a lot of work to get everything all packed up and stored in the trailer just for a few nights, in our case ONE night. For a few years we had a tent, I hate tent camping, my back always hurts and no matter what I always freeze!
So this year I talked Eric into buying a tent trailer, they have a heater and a fridge and a BED! Wow I was so excited to go camping on our first trip with the trailer.

For the first trip we chose to go to Fort Stevens by Astoria OR. It is a gorgeous park near the beach. The trip over there was two hours and that is long with two little kids, and one saying " are we there yet?" every two seconds. Eric has never pulled a trailer before so the trip is slow and long. We get to the park and our spot is a back in, my husband says you DRIVE I am not parking this thing. I have an audience from behind with the other campers and well I got it in the spot but it could have been better :).
Thank goodness the weather is great! Early May at the beach usually means rain, but we got 65 and sunny the whole time. We went walking on the beach and Ashlee played on a little playground and we had a good evening.
Then it begins; it starts to get dark and we try to get Ashlee and Sawyer to sleep. Sawyer will not sleep if he gets cold so we get the heat cranked up and put him to bed.
Ashlee gets her stories and settled into her bed. All seems to be fine. We have a beer and some chips to relax and finally go to bed also. It is quite warm when we go to bed for the heater has been on for Sawyer. I let Daisy up in our bed to try to help her stay cooler.
About 3am I wake up and wow I am cold, that is not a good sign. At 330am Sawyer is screaming and cold. Eric checks the heater and it is just blowing cold air, the propane tank ran out who knows when in the night, he changes tanks and yes we have heat again. But the damage has been done, with all the crying from Sawyer, Ashlee is awake and whining about every little noise .. there is an owl "Hooting", what is that? so she comes to our bed and needless to say we did not get much more sleep for the next 4 hours.
Eric gets up to make breakfast and notices we had visitors in the night! Our chips and bacon from the cooler are gone! RACOONS!! yes they opened the cooler and took our bacon! great just what we need.
I think the next trip we are going to get better, how can it get any worse?
Awe the love of camping! Ug!
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