Finally a sucessful trip and it was even a little relaxing. Eric is getting a lot better with pulling a trailer and also on how to use it and set up and take down. We were working like a well oiled machine instead of a complete cluster!!! HA HA

I have never been to Silverfalls State park before, I am So glad that we rescheduled our campsite down there. It is just outside of Silverton OR, and cute little country town, lots of antique and craft stores, and to top off the neat place that is ......the weather was amazing! I think my skin finally got some SUN!
There are ten different falls to see, but beware dogs are not allowed on any of the trails, too much foot traffic. We got to see 4 of the 10. One of these days I will get to hike the whole 8.7 mile loop to see all of the falls.

I am very happy to see that Ashlee is going to be an outdoors person like me. She loves to be doing something, biking, hiking, drawing. Now I just have to get Sawyer into it too!

We are getting better at using the trailer, after these first couple of trips working out the kinks we are starting to like the trailer. I sure enjoy it over a tent, we have heat and a bed! Ha. Eric is even set up to have our tv and cable in there :) roughing it I know! Couple of years with this and I think we will need to upgrade to something bigger and better... watch out RVing here we come!

Ashlee was so excited to see all the playgrounds for kids, but with so much sun the slide was a little warm.... so we went hiking instead!

Ashlee got to help with roasting marshmellows, she tried to cook them the Patrick star way " shove them in the flame and burn them to a crisp".... needless to say she was more excited to eat the chocolate.
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