The last few weeks have been warm and sunny. In just the last week I was able to get out the kids pool and fill it over by the garden so that Ashlee and Daisy and I could cool off in the afternoons. I say that about Ashlee and I because I have tried to have Sawyer out there too but he is a maniac in the water. He does not want to be in the pool, but on the outside he will splash and dive in until he is soaked just like he went in the pool. He is hard to hang onto and keep from falling head first into it. Scary sometimes!
Lunch was over. Sawyer is down for his afternoon nap, Ashlee and I head out to the pool side. I
have my chair from the deck by the pool, my reading book, and Ashlee little outdoor table and chairs. We are in the afternoon sun on the side of the yard near the garden. Ashlee insists on bringing her toys from the sandbox over. She has a bucket some dishes and shovels, even a planter water bucket. Spongebob innertube for Ashlee to sit and float in... even though the water has been in the pool for three or more hot days it is still pretty cool to the touch.
I enjoy this time with Ashlee. We sit in the pool and I read my book and she splashes and plays in the water with her toys and Daisy. Daisy loves to go in and out, in and out of the water, splashing as she goes. silly girl!
Image via WikipediaWith the three (plus)big oak trees in the back yard we usually have sun on the pool for at least 30-45 mintues. It is the right amount of time to be out in the sun. I love to soak up some rays and some girl time with Ashlee. I sure have been able to get caught up on my books this last week or so. I am on my last Stephen Cannel book and will have to talk with my friend Linda to see if she has any other books to suggest for me to read. Ashlee found a big bottle of bubbles and has brought them to the pool today. As she is blowing some with the wand she tips to the table the bottle is sitting on and the whole things goes over into the pool and on the ground. Good thing bubbles are cheap and just soap! hehe. Once we get all that rinsed off and the sun has finally gone behind the trees, we are sitting in the shade. Ashlee says "mommy it is time to go inside and watch some tv?! Can we please? "
have my chair from the deck by the pool, my reading book, and Ashlee little outdoor table and chairs. We are in the afternoon sun on the side of the yard near the garden. Ashlee insists on bringing her toys from the sandbox over. She has a bucket some dishes and shovels, even a planter water bucket. Spongebob innertube for Ashlee to sit and float in... even though the water has been in the pool for three or more hot days it is still pretty cool to the touch.
I enjoy this time with Ashlee. We sit in the pool and I read my book and she splashes and plays in the water with her toys and Daisy. Daisy loves to go in and out, in and out of the water, splashing as she goes. silly girl!
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