It started off very rough, the dog pulling me in all directions and crossing over my path. Finally after some yanking and getting into a groove we smoothly move down the road. The wind in my face, blowing my hair out of the way, darn it I forget to pull it up today.
It is 730AM and already 65 out. We head through the neighborhood, it is quiet. The only thing I hear and see if all of the sprinklers going off. Everyone must be preparing for the scortcher of a day that is coming. I get to the end of Vincent and decide to go back through some of the houses off of Central Point. I have not run for a month or more so I am thinking that a 3 mile start will be good.
By the time I hit the 1 mile mark Daisy has calmed down and stopped pulling me and also we have gotten into a steady pace with each other. Oh I wish it could always just start off like this.
We are out of town now and the fields are green with tall grass, and then some cows and horses. Daisy spots some goats staring at her and she is not quite sure what to think, then they "baa" at her and she jumps a little. hehe..
Around the loop and back up the hill to start the treck home. Again we are going through the neighborhood, still quiet, no cars going by yet. I see lots of signs of yesterdays garage sales, none setting up yet for the last and final day.
Wow I am feeling warm and maybe a little sore now, the whole reason for going is starting to sink in.. I need to get into shape. I have my 6 mile run coming in a month and I am NOT ready for it yet. Well I made my 3 miles in pretty good time and I did not need to stop, so that is something! Will keep going at least 3 times a week,slowly working up the distance. Lets go RUNNING!!
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