She was so excited she picked out her clothes for the next morning and was so good at bed, did not wake us up at all. I felt horrible that I had to go back on my promise to take her, I had misunderstood the type of hike that we were going on. I thought it was Powell Butte and or one of that caliber. But I looked more into the Sqaw Mtn , Old Baldy decription and it was at least 5 miles and alot of elevation change. There would be no way a 4 year old could keep up or do that hike on her own. So I got up and left the house with Daisy without waking up anyone else.
We were to meet for breakfast before at the Carver Cafe. I had never been there and was looking forward to trying a new place. They opened at 7am and I was there before the open light went on. Kimi was first to arrive, we went in and got a table and ordered up some coffee. Kali showed up a few minutes later.
We ordered and the waiter asked Kali as she was peroozing through her hiking book, if we were on a "twilight tour?" NO, she told him, "thank god", he said with a chuckle. Guess they get alot of that since their little cafe was part of the shooting in the first movie, Twilight. I myself, am not intersted in that series and have not read or seen any of the movies.
We ordered and the waiter asked Kali as she was peroozing through her hiking book, if we were on a "twilight tour?" NO, she told him, "thank god", he said with a chuckle. Guess they get alot of that since their little cafe was part of the shooting in the first movie, Twilight. I myself, am not intersted in that series and have not read or seen any of the movies.
Breakfast and the coffee hit the spot. I told the girls about how upset Ashlee was going to be and we decied to stick with the hike planned and maybe try to take the kids next weekend. I knew in my heart that she was going to be devistated that I had left without her. I did feel sorry for Eric having to be there and break the news to her.
He later told me how she had woke up about 8am and came down stairs all dressed in the outfit that we had picked to wear wondering where Mom was? When he told her that Mom was gone already she started to cry and was very sad that she was left behind. He felt so bad that they decided to go to McDonalds and get a egg biscuit for breakfast. I hope I do not have to ever do that to her again. ugg.
After breakfast we headed out to Estacada and the trail head which was about 17 miles outside of Estacada off of Squaw Mtn road. I tseemed as thowugh we were so far up there with no one around. As soon as we parked in a wide spot on the road and gathered our packs and I spotted another car just down the rosad.
Wow It always amazes me how there are so many outdoors poeple in and around Portland. That is why I love the area so much. the trailhead was a nicely wooded area quiet and smelling of the woods. I love that fresh smell of trees and pine needles and mossy dirt. The first few steps on to the trail and there is a steep hill ahead of us. I am winded by the time I reach the mid top of the area and I cannot believe that the article had said this was a family friendly hike. My daughter would not be liking me right now if she had come on this. I love the smell of forest though, clean and crisp. There is a carpet of green clover all over the ground and makes it look as though there is smooth grass growing all over the hill and trees.
We reach a small clearing on a shell rock bank and look the right and just as the fog or mist is starting to clear off the mountain side we see the meadows and springs. I believe this is called the two springs view. So gorgeous! It reminds me of a golf course, looks like some of the fairways winding through the trees. Daisy is a complete mainiac running up and down the hills infront and behind us. She cannot find enough things to explore and sniff. She is always so excited for hiking and I have to say So well behaved. She comes back to me when I call and always pays attention to where we are at on the trail, be it behind her or infront. These hours out here sure do help her make it through those poor days at home when she only gets to go for short walks to the park with me and the kids. I am also liking the fact that we are getting onto the trails earlier in the day, we are getting started no later than 9am and that is really helping with the traffic on these trails. We did not see but one other group on this trail. That is so nice, I hate worrying about Daisy bothering the other hikers and also weather or not we are going fast enough or being slowed down by others on the trail. Plus even when the hike is a pretty long one we are still done by 1 or 2pm and have the rest of the afternoon to do other things.
I really enjoy hiking with my besties for we not only get in a good workout but we get in our much needed girlfriend time. We tell stories of college days and even just last week, but it always helps lift the mood and make me remember why having friends is so important.
Here we are just us three! Go hikers! Today was a great day for hiking! Until the next trip... and as always enjoy the outdoors, ladies! On the way back through Estacada we did have to stop at one of the best drive-thru places for a peanut butter milk shake, to die for ladies!! To die for, once you start sipping you cannot stop till it is gone, not even to breathe !!!

Wow It always amazes me how there are so many outdoors poeple in and around Portland. That is why I love the area so much. the trailhead was a nicely wooded area quiet and smelling of the woods. I love that fresh smell of trees and pine needles and mossy dirt. The first few steps on to the trail and there is a steep hill ahead of us. I am winded by the time I reach the mid top of the area and I cannot believe that the article had said this was a family friendly hike. My daughter would not be liking me right now if she had come on this. I love the smell of forest though, clean and crisp. There is a carpet of green clover all over the ground and makes it look as though there is smooth grass growing all over the hill and trees.

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