Friday morning we started the process of setting up our booth, mind you, this is OUR first one and we had NO idea where to start... we did not even do a trial run at home so ....
it was INTERESTING to say the least.....
I do have to send a shout out to all the other great vendors at this show and also to the Junk Salvation sisters... everyone was SO nice and very helpful!! and because of them,We learned ALLOT!!
These ladies were our First Customers.... Yeah! The had their own booths too... They were such cute set ups I have to show.... Auntie Joy and Charmed I'm Sure..
Ok, ok, now back to our booth set up, I got a little distracted....(like and deer in headlights...dah)... hehe..
Here are some more shots and angles of our booth....
ok ...before you proceed...WARNING...we have a LOT of JUNK!!! and I mean ALLOT!
Look...Carol is WORKING hard at the finishing touches!!!
Ok that is our stuff!! now it is time to tour around and I will try to show you other GREAT stuff at the show!
There was this AMAZING booth just across the way from us... they had great items and a great bunch of gals working in the booth... 4th Ave Gals... check out some of their stuff!
There is SUCH great stuff here... I had a very very very hard time NOT buying their whole Booth!!!
just look at that color?!!! I love, love the blue!!!
everything was displayed so well... wow classy...classy!!!

This table set up was by
Suni of Butterfly Green
too Cute!
There was a cute little couple next to our booth...Treasuremart... they had some cute items too.
These were from a booth just across from us... Sandy Schwarz..
and another first time show booth... The Retro Spective gals... very cute shop and ideas... although looking through this stuff just made me think of my childhood... uh oh...does that mean I am old?
I also have to show some of the Junk Salvation Sisters items...
These are some Heather Hansen design.... sparkles....oooohhhh...
I took so many photos that I cannot keep track of where exactly they were from.
I liked the bottles here....
Love the planters here......
Cute, Cute bench!
The Rusty Chick! CUTE....
Wow this was a big show and LOTs of FUN!!!
I will close out the post with some SHOTS of Carol and I in our Vintage Dresses all ready for the show to Begin! (eeeek look at the line up!!!)
Until the next show.... Thank you!!
Wow, this is a wonderful post about our show! May I share it on our blog?
Funky Junk Sister #2