Sunday, January 15, 2012

photo day 340 (day 15 Challenge)

Day 15 Happiness!!  S...N...O...W!!!
I woke up this morning to my daughter saying " I cannot believe after all the waiting we finally got some SNOW"!! Love it!!


  1. Thanks Ann for following my blog! Glad I found your blog, especially since you are doing the Project 365. This year I am going to to be working on a Project 52, but maybe next year I can do it everyday like you!

  2. Hey- woohoo another Oregonian!! UGH- Snow. It's snowing were I am (Springfield) but not sticking. I think it's pretty to look at in the mountains- But not a huge fan when it's outside my door. Love seeing the grandkids reactions to it though. Love your blog-put your button on my "Great Blogs" page. Stop by and say hi.

  3. my boys got sleds from santa and are running around in shorts!
    I am your newest follower..pls follow back if you can!



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