Our trip began by two girls leaving Friday morning and the rest of us left in the afternoon and met them at the room.
I was not all that thrilled about having to drive over, just because it seems like I drive all the time, but I got over it. We were able to get there without any weather issues and I did not even get too lost. :)
The first night was just a little drinks and get to know everyone and catch up with those we have not seen for a while.
And we got to watch some great movies, brought by me :)... (hehe).... I think we drank allot and stayed up till almost 1AM. That is late for me hehe :)...
The next morning we were up and had a some what slow start, decided not to head to the mountain until 12pm so that we could catch the half day lift price instead of full day... ouch the prices these days!!!
About quitting time the wind picked up and it was getting cold on top the mountain, I think it said -19 up there, BRRR....
We headed into the bar for a drink to defrost and rest until we were able to meet up with the others.
And we got to watch some great movies, brought by me :)... (hehe).... I think we drank allot and stayed up till almost 1AM. That is late for me hehe :)...
The next morning we were up and had a some what slow start, decided not to head to the mountain until 12pm so that we could catch the half day lift price instead of full day... ouch the prices these days!!!
Got to the mountain and it was great, not allot of people and lots of snow! I have not been skiing since last January so it took me a run or two to get my legs under me. The rest of the girls are snow boarders, I think I would like to try that more too!
We made the first run down the hill and be the end we were split up, everyone at a different level :)..
Kim and I were together and decided to head up the lift a few more times. We made the first run down the hill and be the end we were split up, everyone at a different level :)..
About quitting time the wind picked up and it was getting cold on top the mountain, I think it said -19 up there, BRRR....
We headed into the bar for a drink to defrost and rest until we were able to meet up with the others.
It was a great day on the slopes and with my best est friends....Kim, Kali.....
On the way home since it was still early we stopped at the De chutes brewery and got some tasters... a hat and lots of fun!!!
Love it!!!
It was a nice restful night back at the room, more rum and eggnog , good movies after a little lights sightings!
Look at all the SNOW?!! yes that is what we had to drive home in, We split up and headed home. I arrived home with two other girls just as we had left.
Then I get a note on my phone that the other girls had wrecked the truck that they were in on the same road home... just a few minutes behind us on Mt Hood.!! YIKES!
oh how things can go from good to bad in a BLINK of an eye. Thank goodness they are OK, but WOW was I scared for them!!!
Thanks to Kim for all of her photos along the trip home...
oh I see the US map up there in the trees!!
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