Sunday, September 30, 2012

September photo a day recap

Wow this month sure flew by!!
I am linking up with A Night Owl... please link up your photos too!

so many things happened this month... School started, we had another vintage show, fall is coming and so is the fun decor! Here is a recap of the photo challenge for this month..

 Here are my shots for the month.... not all in order (but enjoy!)

far away

made by me

 A Good thing


Cuddle before bedtime

Me, Then

Pj breakfast Most weekends

Beer, in my Fridge



3 things

weird ( a man purse?)

First thing I see


at Night
be sure to join us for October!! Here is the list :)!

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Jog A Thon 2012

Ashlee's school is raising money to redo the track around the soccer field, so for the second year in a row they have their Jog-A-Thon.  
The goal is to see how many laps the kids can get in within 30 minutes....
 Here are the Kindergarten and 1st Grade students lining up to start the Run!
 Here is the WHOLE reason I am here... Go Ashlee.... Looking GREAT!! :)

 and we have our CHEERING section here too!  Go TEAM Ashlee!
 Here are a few shots of Ashlee school mates... GO Lincoln!
 Sydney is heading up this group of eager run/ walk kids :)
 Bennet showing us a HIGH five! :)
 Ashlee on lap 3
 still going... almost done!  Ashlee got in five laps... each lap is .49 miles!!! Great Job!
Great Job!  I am amazed at how many laps these kids can do!

Until the next run!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

3 Hens Vintage!

Allot going on here... in just a week or so we have another Vintage Sale coming up, so we are working on projects and getting things gathered up for the show!
Please plan to come and see us 
as always we have new stock and new ideas for this show and cannot wait for you to see some of them!
 here is a sneak peak of some of the items we hope to have at the show!

Again, these are just SOME of the items... so please come see us at the show!! :)


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