Some examples of the stuffed animals that can be built!...............
The birthday girl getting her animal fully STUFFED!...........
Ashlee getting her pup stuffed too......
Sawyer on the verge.............of a small melt down...............
Oh the melt down was post-poned............moving on to Bath tub time for the animals, get them all clean!!.........

The finished product... How cute is that?
Two Happy customers!
Now it is time to party............ get out the noise makers......
Open presents... I was SO impressed with how the Birthday girl let everyone help her open her gifts!
Look at the spread of food... now that is kid friendly!!!
Sawyer loved the BALLOONS..............
Alot..... really,....ALOT!... now lets eat some CAKE!
this was the birthday cake, made by the birthday girl! Thanks Madeline. Happy birthday!
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