it is not really a farm, but they have chickens and pigs..
This was a little visitor that showed up in their yard this AM, the dogs found her...
OLD MCDONALD had a farm.....EEEEIIIIEEEEIIIIIOOOOOOO... and on that farm they had some PIGS
Sawyer had to jump in and try to play peek a boo... the piglets were having none of it...
I think he got a sniff....WooooWEeeee....
Now it is the mad dash to the swing set!!!
Hi Molly girl, such a pretty girl.......
Hi Daisy girl!! can you see through that hair?!
I could not resist, check out these little guys trying to hide out in the shed......
HI I...Z.....A....B....E...L.............
HI A.....S........H............L............E..........E..........
oooo group picture... so sweet.........
RIde 'em Cowgirl!
Can I get COOOOKKA DOooodle DOooo?
These guys were not on the farm today but they sure were on the way HOME.... :O)
NICE tail! hehe
That sure is a pretty Momma Horse.............
THese guys are resting in the somewhat SHADE........
as Sawyer would say "MOOOOOOOOOOOOOO....MOOOOOOOO!"
lovely !!