Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Monday, May 30, 2011
Oregon Zoo
I love the Zoo ... just wish I could get better shots of the ANIMALS at the Zoo....here is what I did get...
photo; day 106
We went to the Zoo today so we had to drive into the city (downtown) :)but not too great cuz they are from the CAR!!
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Garden 2011... finally got some planted
Finally got my garden started... here is how it is looking so far.......
now if the sun would come to visit us... all this stuff would really start to look good!!!
now if the sun would come to visit us... all this stuff would really start to look good!!!
aNtiQuinG in AuRora Oregon...
Today I was able to get out and do a little exploring in the neat town of Aurora Oregon. They have a row of antique shops and wow I had to share some of the great things we saw...
Saturday, May 28, 2011
The FINALE!! yep.... the last soccer game
Always start a game day with some warm up! Wow look at the clouds coming, sure hope that misses us!
Lilly has her game face on already!Oh yeah they are getting ready to go... look Lilly's hair is on the MOVE!
Lets go Sharks!!!
playground fun!
Sawyer had some time to climb around today before Ashlee's soccer game and boy does he take advantage of THAT!!
Through the tunnel and then maybe a couple of CHIN UPS! OH Yeah!
Through the tunnel and then maybe a couple of CHIN UPS! OH Yeah!
latest knit project
So I am still doing the knitting thing... my latest project is a kimono sweater for Ashlee...
I cannot wait to finish it!
I cannot wait to finish it!